ISO 27001 is an international information security management standard for the implementation of an enterprise-wide Information Security Management System (ISMS). It is an organised approach to maintaining confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA) in an organisation, providing guidelines on how businesses should manage risks associated with information security threats. This includes policies, procedures, and staff training.
The ISO 27001 standard defines information security guidelines, requirements designed to protect an organisation’s data assets. It also contains recognised certification methods to demonstrate an organisation’s commitment to data security management.
Who Needs ISO/IEC 27001?
Our dependence on information systems has made us increasingly vulnerable to cyber security threats. Incorporating controls are essential for any organisation to manage the risks associated with information and data.
An ISO/IEC 27001 implementation is a necessity for any company whose business or client information could be misused, corrupted, or lost causing a major loss for the organisation. That means any organisation carrying sensitive information, whether they are public or private, IT or non-IT, big or small. For those organisations expanding their business and seeking new clients, the international standard will help them to remain competitive, especially if their competitors have ISO 27001 certification. ISO 27001 compliance is a competitive advantage for contractors competing to qualify for a project.
When you become ISO 27001 compliant organisation, you demonstrate that you are protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of those assets for clients, shareholders, and society in general.
Why should my organisation adopt ISO 27001?
In today’s world, information is a vital resource for most organisations. Using this information, organisations gain commercial advantage and develop strategies to achieve success. The majority of organisations store this valuable information electronically. As a result, protecting these assets from loss, compromise, or destruction, whether deliberate or accidental, is becoming more and more vital. A risk-based compliance framework such as ISO 27001 helps organisations manage their data security effectively.
The Information security management systems (ISMS) exist to meet specific requirements to protect intellectual property, financial data, and the information of third parties and employees. ISO 27001 is the only global standard that outlines these requirements. An organisation’s system for managing information security risks is composed of a variety of policies, procedures, processes, and systems. Adopting this standard demonstrates compliance with ISO 27001 guidelines and adherence to best practices.
What are the key benefits of adopting the ISO 27001 standard?
1. Secure Exchange of Information
The threats to your organisation’s information security are identified and strategies are developed to address them. Whenever there is a risk, there will be someone who is responsible and capable enough to control the situation in case something goes wrong. Consequently, the risk exposure is managed and minimised, which automatically leads to a safer exchange of information.
2. Enhanced Information Security
By implementing ISO 27001 in your company, you train your employees about information security, so they will become accountable, regardless of their role within the company. Data protection ultimately finds its way into the culture of an organisation and simplifies the process of information security so that everyone understands it and strives to achieve it.
3. Meet Your Legal Obligations
Clients, third parties, and law may ask your organisation to demonstrate its information security capability. The ISO 27001 credential is one of the best choices to make in situations such as these. The ISO27001 standard is widely recognised and used by many large and small organisations across the world, and by following its clear and practical instructions, you can demonstrate your trustworthiness in terms of information and data security.
4. Competitive Advantage and Reputation
When you are certified to an information security standard such as ISO 27001, you demonstrate that you care about your partners’ and clients’ assets. By being ISO 27001 certified, you build trust, create a good reputation for yourself, and differentiate yourself from your competitors.
5. Achieve Return on Investment
Your organisation can achieve a return on investment through the implementation of this standard in at least two ways. One of the main advantages is that it adds marketing value to your organisation since your certification will be able to attract potential clients as well as assist with your prospective clients’ pre-sales due diligence process. Secondly, ISO 27001 also helps you avoid, eliminate or reduce the negative consequences of risks that would otherwise adversely affect your organisation’s reputation as well as lead to financial penalties and related legal disputes.
Using a combination of tools and the ISO 27001 framework our ISO 27001 consultants at AWD can improve data security, establish objectives for information securities, develop an information security policy, implement operative technical controls, assess information risk, monitor, measure and review performance and effectiveness of the ISMS to promote continual improvement in your organisation.
Looking for help complying with ISO 27001? Get advice from our knowledgeable and experienced ISO 27001 consultants! We will set up a consultation call and provide you with valuable information on how to achieve and maintain your ISO 27001/Essential 8 compliance. Get in touch and book a 30-minute free consultation session by filling out the form or calling us at 1300 855 651.