Essential Eight Compliance Consultation Services

Overcome your security challenges with implementing the right cyber security technical controls that make sense for your risk management level

Your business’ success depends on how well you protect your customers, employees, and customers’ data from cyberattacks and the loss of valuable information. Our business is to protect your business’s data, devices and systems. To achieve this, we rely on the latest technologies, our experienced cyber security consultants and Zero Trust solutions.

What is Essential Eight?

Australian Cyber Security Centre – ACSC’s – Essential 8 risk management framework is a prioritised list of eight mitigation strategies that can be implemented by organisations to address cyber security concerns. These strategies provide protection for an organisation’s information security system from various threats found in the digital landscape and ensure that the customer’s data is protected.

These strategies have two primary objectives: to ensure critical information systems are secure, as well as safeguarding organisation reputations and preserving valuable resources. By evaluating your cyber security, we will identify and understand the risks, vulnerabilities, and blind spots of your organisation and help create and implement a risk-based cybersecurity internal audit plan.

Essential Eight Maturity Level Self-Assessment Tool

To achieve compliance for all security controls, you must constantly be aware of your position in the Essential Eight maturity scale.

Where does your organisation stand in the Essential Eight maturity scale? Take our Essential Eight Self-Assessment Tool to determine your organisation’s Essential Eight Maturity level

  • Easy self-assessment
  • Determine maturity level
  • Report sent to your e-mail

As an Essential 8 security consultants, we help Australian businesses in evaluating their current maturity level against each strategy in the Essential 8 and provide them with a clear report of the gaps and a roadmap to plugging those gaps and becoming Essential Eight compliant.

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View AWD Privacy Policy. After submitting this form, a verification link will be sent to your e-mail address. To access the assessment, open your email and click on the verification link.

*Disclaimer: The purpose of this assessment is to understand your organisation’s overall cybersecurity posture and should not replace professional advice in any way. This assessment is based on reliable sources such as ACSC, however, AWD is not responsible for any errors, oversights or outcomes resulting from its use.

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