5 Facts about Mobile Security

Today’s world continues to become more and more mobile. IT support isn’t just about Windows and Mac anymore; now you have Android, iOS, and other mobile platforms. One of the most prevalent issues in the technology world is security, and that is no different for mobile devices. A recent Data Breach Investigations Report by Verizon Wireless highlighted several facts concerning mobile security that we thought we’d share with you.


Large enterprises focusing on Web Security

First, enterprises tend to focus less on mobile security and more on web security. It’s a fact that big corporations often have bigger fish to fry in terms of security as they typically have multiple servers in place and those are far more vital than the CEO’s smartphone. Still, mobile security shouldn’t be ignored. While big companies can afford a hit or two, the average consumer could be out thousands of dollars if they fall victim to a security breach on their personal phone.


Mobile Malware is targeting Android

Android is a big target. While iOS users have security concerns as well, it’s the Android platform that’s targeted by some 96% of all mobile malware. For this reason, companies like McAfee and Symantec are constantly improving their antivirus and security software for the Android platform.

Adware can be annoying, but it’s typically harmless. This is the attitude that can get you into trouble. Yes, Android adware tends to be mostly benign on its own, but the majority of malware that is used to attack Android users involves adware as well as other resource-wasting infections. Just because it could be harmless, doesn’t mean it should be ignored.

These days, mobile devices tend to be mostly secure, and some people think it’s because they’re so hard to hack. That’s not the case at all. They don’t get hit as often because they don’t house very much valuable information, such as financial data. Most of that is still housed on personal computers. The bigger issue for mobiles is that 82% of Android apps track your network use. This means developers and ad libraries can capture your personal data for business purposes.


Mobile Devices predicted to become an even bigger target

Mobile devices may not be a big target right now, but according to Verizon’s report, that is likely to change. In the years to come, businesses will find better ways to secure their non-mobile infrastructures, and that will cause hackers to focus more on mobile devices. For this reason, security apps would be a good thing for Android users to invest in now. One of these apps, 360 Security, provides free protection for Android devices, including virus removal, device speed-up, and junk file cleaning. Get secure now so you will feel secure in the future.

If you would like advice on measures you can take to safeguard your mobile devices speak to our IT consultants about our mobile device management services on 1300 855 651.

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